With a flick of a switch the cold chills of winter where felt in CT. Although winter is on it's way by no means are the waves subsiding. We have had awesome waves every week on both Altantic and Indian oceans. We had a pretty good False bay swell last week, but due so many public holidays – Freedom day producing the best of them all the crowds where around lapping up waves in Nelsons memory. Amongst the many lenseman shooting Kalk Bay Greg Chapman – Chappie endured the longest session to snap some epic pic’s:

Whilst most people are at the grind, I have been on the bike doing the miles in the mornings and then sneaking off to find a secluded wave- o how I love my life right now.
Here is a taste of the East coast late night session in a pretty well known location for it's shark infested waters but all I saw was crisp clean 6-8ft waves on an awesome evening:


Another isolated day on a random beachie with some round glassy bowls:

And then we have had big storms and wild sea's, this day saw two of us paddle out at about 10 foot plus with some shifty righthanders breaking off some vertical cliff's:

Hope everyone is bring out their ugg's and waxing up the guns, next up for me is the Sani2C MTB stage race on 19th-21 May... laters
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