Adventures of challenges that pushes ones self to the max for pure adrenaline and fun.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
First Kalk Bay session 7th April
So it feels like summer in Cape Town although it's not!With howling SE'ers and a flat Alantic ocean there could only be one spot to score once the tide pushed. I checked it in the morning which was no good but the late arvo session offered lightish winds and some fun late drops. The whole crew (Warren, Andrew W, Mickey D, Alan Robb, George, Steve Gadd just to mention a few) where hungry to score some waves at the reef which hasn't really broken for the past month. The contours didn't really happen but was good to find my feet again at my childhood local after a year of not surfing the Reef. A few fun bowls to snap: Theres not many waves that deliver such a thrill in such a short ride: After riding 38hrs and 707km in the Cape Epic my legs still felt good to do few turns: Even found the odd right, only because was too late to go left! Hidden away from the Howling SE while Chris Bertish was using himself as a sail to SUP 110km from the Waterfront to Langebaan! More late drops and stoked to get out with one board: Hope everyone is having as good a time as I am, will keep you posted...
George only surfs the dead high tide and even then he is grumpy...