3 days to the start of the Cape Epic 2011 and things are hectic: bike prep, nutrition prep, massage table sorted, GO Pro’s HD camera, bike spares, etc. Weird to be tapering after so many months of rarely spending 2 consecutive days off the bike in some way shape and form, but now am forced to try and chill. For most of you who know me ‘down time’ is not my forte.
However after doing the rounds of connecting with everyone in Cape Town time is still short especially when sorting out the exciting stuff including ordering 7 x new boards (6.3;6.3; 6.6; 8.0;8.6, 9.2 and 9.6) from Ant Butler from Lazy B surfboards (check Ant’s site http://www.lazyb.co.za/about.htm) who after 20yrs shaping performance boards for me I still believe he is pumping out some of the sickest sticks in SA. However I am still in the market for a good Jetski for those Tow-day’s.
Some exicting news is that we will be fuelled by BOS ice tea’s, which are filled with all the good stuff: Rooibos extracts, Ginseng, Ginko and Dandelion to name a bit and we will be riding under the BOS brand for the Cape Epic. I am personally passionate to be supporting a core South African branded company in its infant stages that stands for an all natural approach along with fun, innovative, and big idea’s. With fresh branding and afro pop packaging I believe that this company is going places in the near future and am excited to be apart of the building blocks. Check their sweet website for a refreshing take on a flash loaded site: http://www.bosbrands.com
BOS has set us up with some sick team apparel, totally unique and sure to be standing out or should I say blending in with the African terrain. Not to give away any hints about our race tactics as we race through the African Fynbos slicker than all other native animals: be sure to look out for the :

Also we will be diarising the days events and will be filming in HD as much as we can to feed you and the media the inside story of the worlds toughest MTB race- see keep em peeled!
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