With committing to another Cape Epic in 2011 with the Ox - Roeloff Burger this time around we will be gunning to finish in the pointy end of the field. So much time is spent on building my base and just really enjoying some real technical long rides mixed up with few races. Have completed the K2 which is dubbed as the toughest road race in the Southern Hempishere in 5:45mins top 25,a few 100km MTB races around the Transmans.
Top 15 in the world finsh in 2010 at Worlds:
The race of the year had to be the Singlespeed World champs was a blast down in Rotovegas with the most eccentric charters in the world but still a tough 40km fast paced race with a 1000 people entering managed to ride at 95% of my heart rate for 1hrs odd to get infront of the pack to finsh in the top 15 in world of one geared MTB bikes-was a wicked weekend, just bummed SA didn’t win the bid to host next years race. Check my kitty cat costume that the crowd just could help but shout out "go pussy go":

TO answer the most common question is hard to put into one or two words so made a short clip which sums it up.